Advanced grammar exercise 2

October 3, 2015 at 4:27 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Advanced grammar test 2 …

Say if the following sentences are correct or wrong. Also, correct the wrong sentences.

1. My brother is hard to learn a new language.

2. When Lucy arrived in Bangalore, her English pronunciation was impossible to understand it.

3. Our guide is really interesting to talk to.

4. In our village, we made a mud house for our children to play in it.

5. This tree is much too slippery to climb.

6. I’d like to go away for the weak end, but I have got nobody to go with.

[Answers will be posted soon.]



  1. My brother is hard to learn a new language. Wrong   Corrected answer … Learning a language is hard for my brother.


    It is hard for my brother to learn a new language.

  2. When Lucy arrived in Bangalore, her English pronunciation was impossible to understand it. Wrong Corrected sentence … When Lucy arrived in Bangalore, her English pronunciation was impossible to understand.

  3. Our guide is really interesting to talk to.   Correct

  4. In our village, we made a mud house for our children to play in it. Wrong  

    Corrected answer …. In our village, we made a mud house for our children to play in.

  5. This tree is much too slippery to climb. Correct

  6. I’d like to go away for the weak end, but I have got nobody to go with. Correct

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